Thursday, March 20, 2008

...Because you have a gun.

The kids have been facinated by guns for the last few days. They have a couple of toy pistols that were given as gifts a while ago and these have recently been the toys of choice. Of course hands and fingers shaped like guns (accompanied by a loud bang) also work.

The kids also have a great desire to be protected. So the question was bound to come some day: "Dad, do you have a real gun?"

So I gave them the "this is dangerous and only dad can touch it" talk. But I told them that I do have a real gun locked up in the house to protect them if a bad guy was to try to hurt them.

Now I am all of a sudden the coolest and most inspiring person on the planet. This morning Maria was sitting on my lap cuddling in a blanket and she said, "I love you so much...because you have a gun." 

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I bet your gun isn't quite this cool:

this is my sister, Kate, currently in Iraq.

But I'm glad your kids think you'tre awesome! :)