Friday, June 06, 2008

Kid Brains are cool

It has been a while since our last post. Lots has been going on, which I will get to later. But there has also been a flurry of silly thing the kids have been saying.

While riding bikes outside on a hot day.
Maria: Sam, your face is red.
Sam: Thats cause there's blood in it.

Running just a bit late to mass.
Maria (shouting): JESUS, don't worry, we're coming.

Going frequently to daily mass at a local church that is predominantly made up of senior citizens has made the kids very popular. They have gotten toys, candy, games, and most recently money ($1 each). While leaving mass the other day an old lady, who luckily a little hard of hearing, said to Maria: "What a beautiful girl you are!"
Joshua piped up: "How about, what a handsome boy I am?"
Sam smiled and asked: "How 'bout some money?"


Betsy said...

I love it! Kids say the funniest things... especially when they don't know they're being funny. Ahhh, I can't wait. :)

puretreasure said...
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Theresa said...

LOL! That last story about the money is sooo funny!!! So how well did it work for him?

Emily said...

the "Jesus, don't worry, we're coming" quote has to be one of the all-time best :) don't we all know that feeling sometimes!