Thursday, October 30, 2008

Found in a Run-down Boston Public Housing Estate: Barack Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango

(FROM: UK Times Online) So, his half-brother lives on one dollar each month in Kenya, and his aunt lives in dilapidated public housing in Boston. How wonderful. For a guy who is often seen as elitist and egotistical, this sure does a lot for that perception. Between Sen. Joe Biden's abysmal record of donations to charity--in the past ten years, the Bidens have given $3,690 out of their $2,450,042 in income--and Obama's failure to provide at all for his own family, the same family spoken of so nicely in his memoirs, it's a wonder that the pair can so successfully misrepresent themselves as caring for those who have less than they do. Amazing how they have no qualms about forcing ordinary Americans like you and me to share our wealth involuntarily, but have utterly refused to volunteer to share their own.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how a candidate who supports infanticide and speaks in support of the "least of these", leaves his own family living in poverty. He speaks of our patriotic duty to pay for those less off than we are, but then attacks a simple plumber for wanting to be better. Obama does not want anyone to be successful, unless it's his own friends like George Soros or the Hollywood "elite" Obama and his Socialist friends are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. From the California family connection.

Vote Yes on Prop 8

Betsy said...

Preach it Brother Ray!