Saturday, December 23, 2006

Maria (long edition)

Maria is an amazing girl! She is so sweet & fun to be around. She has become accomplished at speaking this past year and can easily match her older brother in a conversation. She will readily take him on & argue about whether this old man played “one” or “two” with them both insisting you’re wrong & I’m right! They do enjoying playing various games together although Joshua can be tricky. I overheard him convincing Maria that she should be happy about not winning and in her good nature way she agreed to be happy about not winning. She does have a wild, feisty side as well though so you better watch out. She will stand up to anyone she perceives as a threat. Once a younger but much bigger boy decide to hug & try to control Sammy & Maria was right there grabbing back & screaming he’s my brother!

On the other hand she loves to cuddle & chatter. She is generally the first one awake so I get to cuddle & talk with her every morning & after nap. She is very relational & aware of people’s emotions. She is distressed when people are sad & she still talks to me about her little brother Anthony who died. She is also very maternal. She will try to take care of me if I’m not feeling well & she is often caring for her brothers or playing mommy to her baby dolls. She calls Joshua "little buddy" & Sammy "my baby". When they get hurt it’s not unusual for her to come running while screaming “I’m coming! Are you okay?” She is also the designated ice getter for boo-boos.

I really enjoy doing things with her because often she is most inclined to sit & complete a craft. She really loves stickers & cutting & gluing things. Also if you find your shoes unlaced & “re-laced” in an unusual manner you can bet Maria did it. She is also a little gymnast & does not have much natural fear. We put a rope ladder in our basement for her to climb & swing on. Swimming is her other love! We recently joined a nearby YMCA & the boys prefer to play on the edge while Maria grabs a swim noodle & kicks, splashes, floats etc. She is even willing to go under water & thinks it’s funny! We hope to get her swim lessons as soon as possible. Maria is such a special part of our family! She really adds a lot of joy!

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