Sunday, October 21, 2007

This afternoon while putting the kids down for a nap the kids, as always, asked for a story.

I started telling them about my Boy Scout days, camping and climbing mountains.

Maria was so funny she kept interupting and telling me how she was there with me.  It went something like this:

Me: "it took me all day to climb up the mountain..."

Maria interupts: "Yeah, I was with you daddy, and I carried you when you got tired."

Me: "Oh yeah, was I heavy?"

Maria: "No, I was so much huge-er than you, you were just a baby."

(she had Anna and me in stitches)


1 comment:

the observer said...

Norah frequently tells me the things I'll be able to do when I grow smaller... all those things grown-ups say they are too big to do. Like jump on mattresses and climb inside forts or ride on kids toys. They crack me up!