The big car was barreling around the bend on Ann Arbor road and did a 360 degree spin right where we would have been. We would have been in a horrible accident with this car if it weren't for Amy Redente.
Just 20 minutes earlier Amy Redente invited Anna to join them at the Ice Sculpture show near our home. We couldn't go because Maria was still recovering from her operation. But on the way home as we approched the Ann Arbor Road / Ann Arbor Trail fork in the road Anna asked me to veer off our normal path home so we could pass by the Ice Sculptures. After a small protest, I went left.
The timeing was amazing...5 seconds later a big Lincoln Towncar came speeding around the curve where we would have been, his tires hit some snow on the shoulder, he tried to pull himself out too quickly, and he did a complete 360 spin in the EXACT SPOT where we would have been passing by him. He then slammed into the gaurd rail with the side of the car.
Even though we were in a safe spot, it all seemed to happen in slow motion, I pointed and told Anna, "that guy is going to crash." We slowed down and watched as it al happened.
Thanks to Amy for your generos friendship in telling us about the ice show, and thanks to God for keeping our family safe!
(the guy in the accident was apparently more embarrased than injured because he drove away without even checking the damage on the side of his car).