Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's Ours

After months of waiting the land is finally ours. Let me tell you how it all happened... My Sister Cindy and her husband Ben want to live in Michigan, to live close to us and my parents. They found 50 acres of land (email me to ask where) right between my work and Ben's work. We put in an offer last summer and it was accepted. We had until the end of March '06 to work out the details with the township and come up with the money. Right at the beginning we all prayed that God would open doors for us if it was His will; and if it wasn't we asked Him to close the "doors".

In the mean time, a local municipality put in a higher offer because they wanted access to the river running through the land. We (my parents, us, and some friends who are investing as well) began working with our mortgage broker to get some of the equity out of our houses. There appeared to be plenty of time. But the Michigan economy isn't doing so well, and the banks are getting nervous so their processes are taking unusually long. Even after the amounts we needed were approved, we began to worry that if the money would not be funded in time. If we delayed beyond March 31 the higher bidder would get the land. Argh...bankers' bureaucracy. We still trusted that God would come through for us in the last minute if He wanted us to have the land.

Anna and I had a signing company come to our hotel room in Nashville to sign the 2nd mortgage closing papers, it was a Saturday, how weird is that? The money for me and my parents came on the 30th. But our friends whose money we needed as well was coming slower than ours...we feared that the 31st would come and go without their money arriving. But still we trusted, my Dad said that God usually takes him to the last minute so that everyone knows it was a miracle and God's hand was in it.

Their money arrived only 4 hours before the land purchase took place. Everything went perfectly. Praise God. The land is now ours!

1 comment:

manababies said...

That is wonderful news!!! Congratulations!