Monday, August 14, 2006

One mile

My Cousin Julie who is about a decade younger than me, thinner, smarter, and better looking, can run fast. Her dad, my Uncle Bill, runs marathons, so it must be in her blood. She is trying to get down to 5 minute miles to qualify for a scholarship to Purdue.

So speed is the key. That's the measure for performance.

Ever since I started running last year I have had the goal to run long distances. But I was just thinking, just about anybody can run a distance (even slowly). The challenge most people struggle with is speed. "How fast can You run that long distance?" Well, I ran 13.1 miles in 2:09, which is about 9:48 minutes per mile...not bad, but not great either. I ran 6.2 miles in 54:17, which is about 8:45 minutes per mile. So how fast Could I run a just one mile? I just wanted to find out.

Well, I ran one mile this morning and finished in 6:55 pushing Maria and Sammy in the Chariot. Does pushing two chubby kids slow me down? Maybe, I'll find out for sure next time.

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