Thursday, August 24, 2006

Three Strikes

Most people can open a can of soup and warm it up. Yummy. Condensed soup is probably the most difficult variation of canned soup, because you have to mix the right amount of water into it.

Well, let me tell you, warming up a can of soup will not prepare you for making soup from scratch. Anna and I have tried half a dozen times, usually starting with the remains of an organic chicken boiled in water for a base. Our results have been far from perfect; three of the soups ended up being dumped, while the others actually turned out really good. But I wanted to point out the ones that turned out bad, because they each have a story.

The first time we made chicken and barley soup, I poured in half a bag of barley, and Anna said, why not just put in the whole bag. I knew that barley expanded, but didn;t realize how much, so I poured in the whole bag. We could eat that yummy soup with a fork.

The second time we were making chicken noodle soup using a slow cooker. We added all of the ingredients together all at the beginning...including the noodles. We were under the impression that the slow cooker would make sure they all the ingredients would cook properly. Well noodles don't do so well being simmered all day. Needless to say this variation of Chicken Noodle Soup wasn't too popular.

Well today's soup tops the rest. While picking the ingredients for the chicken noodle soup at the local fruit and vegatable market I saw other people eagerly picking through the Okra. I had heard that Okra was a neat and healthy veggie so I got a dozen or so for our soup. We chopped it up and tossed it into the boiling broth. Guess what okra does? It releases a thick mucusy substance. The result didn't taste bad, but the entire mixture looked like snot soup. It felt so slimy and gross that we just couldn't bring ourselves to eat more than a few bites. (Click on the picture for a close up).

After learning from all these mistakes surely next time we'll do better. Would to like to come over and sample our next soup with us?

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